A World Class Education In How To Teach Jiu-Jitsu

What is this?

This is a Premium Video Course & Certification on the basics of Grappling and how to teach it.

Who is it for?

For champions & black belts normal people that want to make a living from BJJ, or just make sense of it.

What will I learn?

Everything you need to understand and teach basics of grappling successfully, like this video shows. Simple, but clever.

Jiu-Jitsu Saved My Life

And I’m not alone. 20 million people do BJJ globally—but both students and teachers struggle with something..

In my 30+ years on the mat, I found a way to:

✅Speed up the learning speed of grappling by 5x
✅Teach BJJ classes that everyone loves
How to make money from BJJ (without winning medals)

The stuff you will learn here cannot be found anywhere else. But there is a BIG problem. I’ll show you the secret to solve it, and bust some myths. Let’s go!

This is Not Another BJJ Instructional

This is a Teacher Training —An Instructors Course where we solved all the major problems that beginners and coaches struggle with.

It’s made for exceptional normal people, so that it’s easy to learn and teach the basics without years of experience or fancy titles.

BJJ instructionals teach techniques.
This course teaches you how to learn and
teach the fundamentals systematically.

sebastian brosche squat shaka sign

..And I’m not a random guy, In fact I am:
2x World Champion (first european to win double gold @ IBJJF worlds)
4x euro champ || UAEJJ World Pro Champion
BJJ black belt (2nd degree) || Judo black belt (2nd degree)
Yoga Alliance RYT-500 Teacher
10+ years teaching online classes
20+ years teaching live classes || 30+ years on the mat’
Bernardo Faria will continue the bragging here:

Why I hated being a white belt

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I remember the frustration of trying to learn even the simplest techniques. I was standing there feeling lost, listening to a dude trying to teach a technique in 13 steps with 79 details.. after 15 minutes of this he went:

‘Any questchions?
No? So you got it, Letch go! ‘

If You’ve ever been to a BJJ class —You know what happened next.

Nobody could even remember step 2, and the poor guy had to run around in panic to fix all the basic mistakes we made! And this was NOT because beginners are all dumb, or because the coach wasn’t great at BJJ.

Around the world, most beginner BJJ classes looks like this:

’Run around the mat, Pushups, Drill this technique, Drink water, Sparring!’

When you have warm-ups that makes You feel like a drunk toddler, and sparring that Smokes Every Joint in your body… There’s no surprise that there is a thing we call the ‘White Belt Curse’. That’s where:

90% of beginners quit within a year

BJJ seems too damn difficult to learn, and people quit before they get hooked.

But why are classes designed like this? Simple. Because we don’t have any

Teacher Trainings

The average BJJ class follows no curriculum, has no system, and the teacher has no education in how to teach!

BJJ is actually not that hard to learn and teach when You follow a smart plan.

Let me tell you about my friend Ben, from the UK:

Ben is a very smart guy, that has a PhD in strength training for sports, and he has been doing BJJ for a year or so.
He told me it was very hard for him to learn and retain anything he learned in class.

What?! 🤯

This is coming from a guy that has a Phd in sports, and is extremely talented and experienced in learning movements, principles, techniques..

So If BJJ is too hard even for a PhD to learn.. wonder it’s so hard for the rest of us!

He told me that it’s unfair to expect of a BJJ coach that they should be able to teach a complex sport like grappling without a systematic approach found in other professional sports like soccer or tennis.

And it’s unbelievably demotivating for coaches to do their best, and still see 90% of beginners fail and quit, year after year…

Every instructor in the world is trying to solve the same problem: How to get beginners to learn the basics. As soon as they’ve learned the basics —they are hooked, and will figure out the rest on their own!

If we want to upgrade BJJ and take it to the next league, teaching basics well is where we should start..

We need:
A System For Educating Instructors

But.. If trainings are that important, why hasn’t anyone created one already?
I had to find out, so I went to London and met with the head wizard of the IBJJF.

We know he’s awesome!

But becoming awesome was brutal. If he is great at teaching, he is probably the last survivor of a 1000 that gave up, thinking it was something wrong with them, not the system.

Most great instructors eventually end up teaching the same things and in the same way, but it takes too damn long to get there!

Don’t become a sad statistic by fighting against probability. Take this course instead.

The Purpose

and the True (short) back story of this course

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Meeting with IBJJF’s head Wizard


I said: -‘Oh great Wizard of IBJJF, Why don't we have standard programs in BJJ
Why aren't there any manuals, teacher trainings, courses, guidelines, curriculums or even a checklist for coaches in order to minimize confusion and speed up learning for BJJ beginners?’

His response was totally unexpected.
He said: -‘Indeed why?.’

He said: ‘ In fact, the order of wizards IBJJF tried to create instructors courses in the first age of the world, but the project failed.

Me: -’Why!?’

Wizard: -’Because we tried to do it from the Top-Down.’

The response we got from gym owners was: “My gym — my rules! Don’t tell me how to teach”

I thought hard, and then replied: “Classic black belt attitude.. But a gym owner runs a business, and losing 90% of beginners must hurt his income more than anything else.. so If he gets a chance to make his clients hooked on Jiu-Jitsu from day one.. he will take it.

So what if we attack the problem from the Bottom-Up? A course not for BJJ experts, but for blue, purple and brown belts that are new to teaching, that are begging for a system and curriculum to help them? They will be so happy to have a plan to follow.

Imagine what will happen to the gyms when all coaches are teaching great classes, and follow a plan that’s designed to get the new students to fall in love with BJJ as fast as possible?
The gym owner will be the happiest (and richest) of them all!

He gaped, and said: ‘It’s a mad plan, but one the enemy will least expect. Best keep it secret, keep it safe. Edify forthwith as many colored belts as you can, and meet me at The Prancing Pony.’

I said: -‘And what about You?

He replied: -’I have business elsewhere. The fate of Jiu-Jitsu rests in your hands, Now Make Haste!’

And thusly on that fateful day, with spirits buoyed by the thrill of adventure, the monumental toil was laid upon mine shoulders to:

Destroy The Ring

Create The First Teacher Training
for BJJ

But first, I had to kill a dragon Myth :

The Great Myth

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In fact, there are 2 myths:

Myth #1: Only Champions make money

Myth #2: Champions are great teachers

Debunk #1: The best paid person in BJJ never won medals, but is known by everyone because of his understanding of Jiu-Jitsu and the ability to teach it.

Debunk #2: There are thousands of Champions in the world that work 9-5 because they don’t know how to share their skills effectively and make a career in Jiu-Jitsu.

Standing at the top of the podium is admirable, but the moment of glory is temporary. It’s a safer bet to become a great teacher; a career that will serve you for life.

Big dreams needs to be grounded in reality, so even if you tear your ACL, Your career has You covered with your education & leadership skills.

Behind every champion stands a great teacher, and when you can teach, it can change lives —That’s bigger than any medals or titles.

We need to replace this myth with The Truth:

Great Teachers are
Rarer Than Champions

And this course make it possible for anyone to become a great teacher.

The Problem Is Solved

*cure drumroll 🥁🥁

Do you have to be a Champion to make money? No!



Complete Coach Certification Program

The best, first ONLY Teacher Training for BJJ


Video Examples

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Here are 6/200 clips from the course. It’s a perfect blend of
Technique Demonstrations —Tips & Hacks —Principles —Dos & Don’ts..
Eliminating Confusion and Frustration

Catch-Up Classes

Recap and connect the dots by creating a drill that includes all positions you’ve worked the last 3 classes. Genius!


An example of how to Keep It Simple Stupid when showing the top spin (side control -> side control). It’s better to remember one thing, than to forget two!

Passing, he turtles, now what?

Seb & Dinu shows how context is created, adding in few details without pressure to memorize them. Beautiful!

Warm-ups with a purpose

Learn to use Yoga & Mobility to build muscle memory and skills that are directly transferable to the topic of the class. This solo drill is a prep for a Knee-slide pass. Next level Sh*t!

Module 5 briefing

The course has 5 modules, 8 classes each, 2-4 clips per class, connecting the ‘Great 8’ into a wholesome game. If this curriculum doesn’t give you a nerd-boner, nothing will.

Frontloading: how to see into the future!

Instead of fearing a drilling sh*t-fest, frontload the problem to seem experienced and clever!

This is Not an Instructional.

Think about BJJ as a language. It’s pointless to ask them to write poetry or sing songs when beginners don’t even know the alphabet.

BJJ DVD’s are great for learning specific details, but his course shows you how to put everything you know into a system.

You need to teach beginners BJJ in the right order, and in a format they can understand and relate to. We show you exactly how to do that!

The Details

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More simplicity —Less confusion

 We compressed the basics of jiu-jitsu down to just:

✅4 submissions
✅The ‘Great 8’ positions
✅40 classes

It’s far superior to have a beginner remember one thing —instead of forgetting two.

It works for both Gi and Nogi!

The basics are basics, with or without clothes on. No heel hooks or worm guard in this curriculum!

It works with any technique!

You can use our basic techniques that we cherry picked because they’re easy to teach and learn. If you want to use your favorite technique instead, that’s perfect!

We made sparring safe and fun

We found ways to make students sparr without knowing theyre sparring! It’s a seamless progression from technique > drilling > positional sparring that’s too clever!

Make Drilling Great Again

The techniques from each class is built into looping drills that makes it super easy to learn and remember.

Connect the Dots

No techniques are isolated, but everything connects into a complete ‘Game’ that beginners will appreciate.

Stuff You Only Learn Here

Start with ‘Why’
Good Vibes Only
Go Slow —Learn Fast
✅’Microdosing’ on Techniques
Skill Builders - Not techniques

We created a course of the fundamentals of Jiu-Jitsu, that makes a complete beginner hooked on Jiu-jitsu.

We worked out classes that give the instructor short and simple principles on how to teach in front of the class, how to help students in a focused and relaxed way.

The goal for white belts is to create a basic BJJ ‘game’ based on fundamentals —not on personal preference.

Course Sneak peek: Top Classes

Partner Drills 🤼
Combat Games 🥋
Public Speaking 101 🎤
Showing up Prepared 📚
Stretching and Mobility 🧘‍♂️
What to Say Instead of ‘NO’ 🙌
Turn Noobs into Floor Wizards 🧙‍♂️
‘I can’t believe it’s not BJJ’—Intro Course 🥋
‘Catch-Up Classes’ - Recap & Connect Dots 🔄
Extra Income: Teaching Privates and Seminars 💰

Simple System

The ‘Great 8’ are the true basics of
Jiu-Jitsu—A beginners first ‘Game’

Less Confusion

You’re not learning techniques in isolation.
We connect the dots between all positions.

Context & Simplicity

Everything you learn has context and makes sense. Clips are 2-5 min of laser focused content.

Course Summary

What’s in it for You

✅Plan & teach awesome BJJ classes
✅Make sparring & drilling safe and fun
✅Give private lessons + teach seminars
✅Hold intro courses for new students

✅Handle questions & students
✅Lower the bar, raise standards
✅Teach relaxed and with confidence
✅The mistakes all new teachers make

✅Get new students hooked
✅Get a competitive career edge
✅K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid)
✅Get new students hooked on BJJ on class #1

New Method:

✅Logic order
✅Clever structure
✅Crystal Clear
✅Basics focus
✅Easy to teach

Old Method

❌Learn Backwards
❌No structure
❌Competition Bias
❌Frustrating to teach

This course is not about
specific techniques!

The reason why BJJ is superior other martial arts is because we never decide which technique is ‘The Best‘, but we let the sport evolve organically, so techniques are replaced continuously by better ones.

Thsi is why we created a standard teaching methodology that works with every technique. which is what coaches lack and request the most.

Hand on hip, create an angle, Inside space, roll him over.

This works because we don’t show a specific ‘technique’, but focus on context and principles that can be applied everywhere.

This is how beginners learn fast.

Frequently Asked Questions

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30 days full refund guarantee.
(on the condition that you took the course, and didn’t find it useful)

You get a diploma by email, and get listed on the website as an official instructor. (valid for 3 years)

You can split payments into a payment plan, for a nominal fee.

  • No. These courses do not require hands on experience, because they are much more theoretical than learning BJJ techniques.

    If you want hands on experience, you are invited to the live graduation in My private villa in Spain, which happens to be an amazing weekend experience in itself.

    It happens only once a year, has only 8 spots, so If this is for you, book by sending me a message asap.

  • Talent has nothing to do with it.
    Learning to teach well requires you to: observe others, study a method, finding someone to hold you accountable, analyzing your own teaching with scrutiny, and listen to student feedback. In football, you have coaches that have never played football, and their students have amazing results.

    How is that possible? A great education.

    We definitely think that you need BJJ experience to teach, but we also think that experience alone is not enough.

    We didn't make this course for exceptional people. We made it for ordinary people.

Case Study: Instructor

This is Adam Ellis, Black Belt, successful competitor. He used to struggle with impostor syndrome, and didn’t feel qualified to teach Jiu-Jitsu, even with his experience and success) 

After finishing one of our courses his approach to teaching Jiu-Jitsu changed, and gave him a brand new perspective.

His students loved his classes, he started loving teaching, and he recently opened his own gym.

Adam is a great example of how structure and an education boosts Your confidence as a teacher, he even joined our team and now works with us!

✅Make all classes beginner friendly
✅Make instructors show up prepared
✅Give your teachers a clever system

If you want to scale your gym—Chat with me on WhatsApp, I have a master plan.

Don’t hate the white belt like we did! Instead;

Learn The Fundamentals of Jiu-Jitsu

If there will ever be a global standard for what a blue belt is (that will probably never happen), this course would be it.

When you've integrated this course in your skillset, you have a good grasp of the basics; and we think that should be the very definition of a blue belt!

It's impossible to quality ensure your belt online, and the lack of skill in online blue belts is a running joke in jiu-jitsu circles.

So instead of focusing on the next belt, it's better Focus on Skills and learn the fundamentals.. almost no-one else is!

This course takes ~8 hours

And putting it into practice takes 6-12 months.

You can use these skills to teach classes, or use it to learn BJJ faster on Your own.

No other instructor will be as prepared as You
This is the way for a purple belt to compete with black belts for a job as a head instructor will take much more serious after you have taken a course like this!

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The Secret to Learning BJJ is:

When you teach BJJ, You’re learning twice, it also forces you to live up to your students expectations and be a role model. Mentoring others to achieve success feels wholesome and rewarding, and it’s unbelievably cool to share your passion with people you enjoy being around.

Ai can never replace You when you’ve learned patience, communication, and adaptability. People will always crave Human-to-human connection — Nobody wants to learn sports and healthy lifestyle from robots and algorithms.

If you can teach BJJ, you can teach anything. Teaching actually isn't so much about the sport—it's about empowering people to grow, create a thriving community, and making a lasting difference in peoples lives, including your own!

White belts can learn BJJ using this course, and start teaching as blue belts with a optimal foundation.

Blue belts can teach beginners courses, kids classes, lead warm-ups, and be an assistant coach, and get invaluable experience early in their career.

We believe that blue belts can be the best teachers, because they:

✅Have less ego
✅Keep It Simple
✅Feel less pressure
✅Have lots of passion

✅Can relate
✅Make an effort
✅Want to impress
✅Are open minded

‘I thought I need a Black Belt to:’

With nogi grappling growing, belts are now less important. What really matters to succeed with BJJ as a career are people skills, effective teaching, and how well you support your students on their BJJ journey, not the color of your belt.

Hosting a BJJ/Surf Camp

You don't need a black belt to host an awesome BJJ/surf camp. What counts is your passion, energy, and ability to create a fun and supportive environment. If someone is negative about your belt color, those are the people you don’t want to show up for your camp anyways. Good vibes only!

Teaching Privates

No, giving the right attention and being relatable is everything. If you can connect with students, boost their confidence, and follow a professional structure, they'll learn more from you than from most black belt.

Teaching Classes

Structure and consistency are what BJJ classes are missing. Creating a relaxed and positive learning environment, knowing what to teach and what to save for later, and creating context for positions are far more important than your belt color.

Open A Gym

Opening a gym is about building community, clever business strategy, and giving great classes. If you can create a welcoming space and teach in a way people can understand, they will love your gym no matter what.

Why was a blue belt your best help as a BJJ beginner?

‘Even if he wasn’t the most knowledgeable, he was more able and motivated to connect with me.

The black belts in the room just wanted to bark out some technique instructions and got frustrated when people couldn’t -Get it- right away.’

- Steve Kwan

Teaching, sweating & getting tapped out;
living the jiu-jitsu dream!

Live The Dream

I have done everything possible to give You the best chance to succeed in BJJ, and I poured my life long passion and love for grappling into this amazing course, and I know it will benefit Your grappling journey more than You can believe.

Working with BJJ is not like driving for Uber —this is a job vocation with purpose that can give your true freedom and flexibility.

Teaching BJJ turns you into a Martial Artist

This course is an investment, as we put every major insight and hard-earned wisdom into this course — to save you years of trial and error.
Imagine the cost of making the biggest mistakes on your own.

This course can be the start of the rest of your life, if you let it.

Pick the path where 99% fail


Buy This


and maximize your chances of success?

Ballpark Earnings for a new Instructor:

  • Private classes: $50 per class × 3 classes per week = $150

  • Jiu-Jitsu classes: $30 per class × 2 classes per week = $60

  • Sign-ups cut from beginners courses (converted members):
    $50x10 sign-ups per 4 weeks = $125/week

Total Weekly Earnings:

  • $150 (private classes) + $60 (Jiu-Jitsu classes) + $125 (sign-ups) = $335

Monthly Earnings:

  • $335 per week × 4 weeks = $1,340

Total Monthly Earnings: $1,340

The Price



(we need testimonials, so:
40% off for the first sign-ups
Payment plan —No problemo)

You’ll make it back by:

✅Selling privates
✅Teaching seminars
✅Teaching classes
Starting an onlyfans
✅Winning ADCC CJI

You’ve paid more for:

❌An iPhone
❌Forgotten autopays
❌Parking tickets
Botox for your cat

$799 in a year:

$0.09/hour Even Your wifi costs more to exist!💸
$2.19/day You’re wasting more in leftover food! 💸
$66.58/month Skip the Pub and youre in profit!💸

✅You get course access for life, it will be updated with new content as we get more great ideas.

✅Community of course participants —share ideas and struggles with peers

✅Get Your Diploma by email, and frame it over the fireplace

✅Online Graduation by appointment, or Live graduation camps in Spain (Yearly)

✅Snazz up your gear with the Founders edition patch ($25)

No — It’s incredibly cheap!

You get what you pay for.

Compared to a cup of coffee it seems a lot, but compared to the struggle and pain You skip, the value of this course is insane:

Imagine all the time, money and effort we put into making all the mistakes so that You don’t have to!

Instead of youtube, compare it to a university degree. We know that you will learn more practical BJJ teaching skills from this course than a bachelors degree in physical education (4+ years).

You can get 1-on-1 mentoring for
this course, or anything BJJ related.
Schedule a free strategy call to get started.

We love takedowns!

That’s why we don’t teach takedowns without proper breakfall training—it’s not safe irresponsible. Too many white belts quit BJJ because of takedown injuries.

We are working with some of the best Judo coaches in europe to develop a takedown curriculum that is fun, safe and easy to learn. (and that makes all your opponents pull guard as soon as they see you!)

A dedicated takedown curriculum guarantees beginners learn to fall safely, throw safely, and stay healthy and happy.

Connect with me on whatsapp or click the video and leave your details

Let’s find a way to make you succeed.